The 5G spectrum auction in India started earlier today and is planned to continue until 6 PM IST. Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vi (Vodafone Idea), and newcomer Adani Enterprises compete to garner a 72GHz block of airwaves worth Rs 4.3 trillion. The auction could also proceed into the next day or several days, depending upon the 5G network demand and each company’s approach.
What is the 5G spectrum auction?
The government is auctioning the rights of the 5G spectrum to operators of telecommunications companies, and it is then them that telecom operators can utilize to transmit 5G signals that will enable 5G connectivity in India.
When is 5G spectrum auction in India?
The 5G spectrum auction in India started on July 26 at 10 AM IST and will go on until 6 PM IST. Looking at the response and 5G demand, the 5G spectrum auction can spill over to the next few days.
When will the 5G spectrum launch in India?
The Indian spectrum auctions are in progress for 5G networks and are scheduled for completion later this year. The exact dates have not been announced. However, Jio and Airtel plan to deploy 5G connectivity by the end of the year.
Which 5G spectrums are being auctioned?
The 5G spectrum auction in India is being held for different low, mid and high-frequency bands.
Low: 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz
Mid: 3300 MHz
High: 26 GHz
What 5G means?
5G is the latest fifth-generation cellular connectivity that succeeds the 4G networks. The 5G networks have high-speed internet connectivity with download speeds reaching 10Gbps and offer increased bandwidth in addition to several advanced use cases such as developments in IoT, AI-enabled interfaces, and more.
How will 5G change the world?
5G networks are set to usher in the next generation of cellular connectivity that enables faster download speeds, high throughput, increased bandwidth, and low latency as low as 1ms, The low-frequency bands offer far the most range possible for a 5G network but aren’t as fast as the mid and high bands. In India, most 5G phones sold in the last few years support bands in the mid-frequency range, and some also support high-frequency bands.