The Apple iPhone 14 is expected to be launched later this year, and the rumor mill has already started with successive leaks. Today, we have a new leak about the selfie camera of the upcoming Apple iPhone 14. It seems that Apple is switching from its current supplier to a South Korean company for the selfie camera hardware of the iPhone 14.
According to ET News, Apple will switch to LG Innotek, a South Korean company, to supply the front cameras of the next iPhone 14. The company was already supposed to fit the front cameras for the iPhone 15 series, but Apple is delaying the process. However, this upgrade may come with a price increase.
According to the report, this change would take the selfie cameras in Apple phones from a “low-end” component to a “high-end” component. This will cost the company three times as much as the selfie cameras used in previous phones, including the iPhone 13.
Apple iPhone 14 to get a more expensive selfie camera
According to the same report we mentioned above, Apple’s cameras were primarily supplied by Japanese company Sharp and an unnamed Chinese company. Sharp would remain Apple’s camera supplier, but LG Innotek would replace the Chinese company. There were reportedly quality assurance problems with the Chinese supplier, causing Apple to switch to LG Innotek earlier than planned.
LG Innotek’s hardware is considered “high-end” camera parts, with quality almost identical to that of the rear cameras. The new cameras are said to autofocus the iPhone’s selfie cameras.
The report also mentions that the supply of the selfie cameras will be split between Sharp and LG Innotek, Although the report said the autofocus feature is the only improvement, other improvements, such as a larger sensor and higher resolution, are speculated.
However, the higher cost is likely to be passed on to the end-user, and whether the improvements are worth the higher price is something we can only comment on once we’ve looked at the device.
The iPhone 14 series would include four smartphones: the iPhone 14, the iPhone 14 Max, the iPhone 14 Pro, and the iPhone 14 Pro Max, The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max would have a notch for the pill-shaped selfie camera and the latest A16 Bionic chip.