Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, popularly known as BSNL, has introduced two new prepaid rates to expand its offerings and reach out to a wider audience. These plans cost ₹228 and ₹239 and are valid for 30 days. These plans are valid from today, July 1, 2022.
In its current prepaid portfolio, BSNL offers unlimited data plans that offer up to 5GB data per day with a validity of 84 days. At the lower end of the price range, tariffs valid for more than 10 days have a daily data allowance of at least 1GB. The two new tariffs are exactly halfway between these two extremes.
The New Tariffs of BSNL are valid for a full month.
The ₹228 tariff offers 2GB data per day and 100 SMS per day. This tariff offers unlimited calls and is bundled with the Challenges Arena mobile gaming service on the Progressive web app. Once the daily data limit is reached, the internet speed is limited to 80 Kbps.
The more expensive ₹239 rate includes the benefits of the ₹228 rate, with a daily data limit of 2GB and everything else, as in the cheaper rate. The only difference is that this plan includes an additional ₹10 call time. Some people choose this more expensive plan because it offers extra calling time, which can be very useful in some cases where free voice and text messages are not helpful.
Another aspect of these plans that might attract customers is that they are valid for a full month. This means that if you recharge on the 15th of the month, you will have to recharge on the same day of the next month.